Showing posts with label titipan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label titipan. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2015

latihan tugas mata kuliah

Silahkan buat dokumen dan ikuti aturannya :
 (khusus page 1, semua aturannya sama. Page 2-4, perhatikan kolom "NPM Genap" atau "NPM Ganjil". Jika NPM mu digit terakhirnya genap maka aturan pengerjaannya ikuti yg ada di kolom "NPM Genap", begitu juga sebaliknya. : 

Page 1
  1. write your full curiculum vitae, using table with no border, place your photo (height = 4 cm, width = 3cm) in first row in the left below the title " Curiculum Vitae")
  2. Portrait Orientation page
Page 2
Source Article =>  Rahasia Cinta dan Bis Kota
Data NPM Genap NPM Ganjil
Footer left = College Logo  (adjust size with condition), center = class, right = NPM_Name left = College Logo (adjust size with condition), center = class, right = NPM_Name
Page border art first page only all except first page
Align Justify , 1.5 spacing Justify, single spacing
Size A4, landscape orientation page Letter , landscape orientation page
Columns 2 colums, right 2 columns, left
Drop Cap Dropped, lines to drop = 3, distance from text = 0.5 cm Dropped, lines to drop = 3, distance from text = 0.5 "
Margin Narrow Moderate
Watermark Picture, scale = 200%, disable washout Text = "Your name" , Color = "Red accent2 darker 50%
Picture Position in middle center with square text wrapping, through wrap text, reflected Perspective right picture style, pencil grayscale artisctic effects Position in top center with square text wrapping, tight wrap text, soft edge oval picture style, glow edges artistic effects
Article Title modify with wordart modify with wordart
Modify text 1. Replace all words "bis" with format bold and italic
2. find first text "100%" and format with double strikethrough
Replace all words "bis" with format italic and underline
2. find second text "100%" and format with double strikethrough
Page 3
Orientation page portrait portrait
Smart art choose a topic/idea and create smart art design choose a topic/idea and create smart art design
equation use 5 sample equations question or formula in mathematics with different structures and symbols use 5 sample equations question or formula in mathematics with different structures and symbols
Page 4
Orientation page Landscape Landscape
Chart define your own data and create a chart. (complete with title, axis title, etc) define your own data and create a chart. (complete with title, axis title, etc)

Ket : 
  1. Tugas dikumpul via email  paling lambat Selasa, 13/10/15 , jam  06.00 pagi. Dengan subjek dan nama file "Kelas_NRP_Nama
  2. Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan isi komentar dibawah artikel ini.
  3. File dikumpulkan dalam 2 format :
    • Pdf,  file di protect dengan password NPM anda. (kalau mau membuka harus lewat password dulu)
    • docx, file diprotect read only dengan pass NPM anda , hanya bisa comment.(file bisa dibuka tapi read only, kalau mau edit harus masukkan password)