Silahkan buat dokumen dan ikuti aturannya :
(khusus page 1, semua aturannya sama. Page 2-4, perhatikan kolom "NPM Genap" atau "NPM Ganjil". Jika NPM mu digit terakhirnya genap maka aturan pengerjaannya ikuti yg ada di kolom "NPM Genap", begitu juga sebaliknya. :
Page 1
Page 2 Source Article => Rahasia Cinta dan Bis Kota |
Data | NPM Genap | NPM Ganjil |
Footer | left = College Logo (adjust size with condition), center = class, right = NPM_Name | left = College Logo (adjust size with condition), center = class, right = NPM_Name |
Page border art | first page only | all except first page |
Align | Justify , 1.5 spacing | Justify, single spacing |
Size | A4, landscape orientation page | Letter , landscape orientation page |
Columns | 2 colums, right | 2 columns, left |
Drop Cap | Dropped, lines to drop = 3, distance from text = 0.5 cm | Dropped, lines to drop = 3, distance from text = 0.5 " |
Margin | Narrow | Moderate |
Watermark | Picture, scale = 200%, disable washout | Text = "Your name" , Color = "Red accent2 darker 50% |
Picture | Position in middle center with square text wrapping, through wrap text, reflected Perspective right picture style, pencil grayscale artisctic effects | Position in top center with square text wrapping, tight wrap text, soft edge oval picture style, glow edges artistic effects |
Article Title | modify with wordart | modify with wordart |
Modify text | 1. Replace all words "bis" with format bold and italic 2. find first text "100%" and format with double strikethrough |
Replace all words "bis" with format italic and underline 2. find second text "100%" and format with double strikethrough |
Page 3 | ||
Orientation page | portrait | portrait |
Smart art | choose a topic/idea and create smart art design | choose a topic/idea and create smart art design |
equation | use 5 sample equations question or formula in mathematics with different structures and symbols | use 5 sample equations question or formula in mathematics with different structures and symbols |
Page 4 | ||
Orientation page | Landscape | Landscape |
Chart | define your own data and create a chart. (complete with title, axis title, etc) | define your own data and create a chart. (complete with title, axis title, etc) |
Ket :
- Tugas dikumpul via email paling lambat Selasa, 13/10/15 , jam 06.00 pagi. Dengan subjek dan nama file "Kelas_NRP_Nama
- Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan isi komentar dibawah artikel ini.
- File dikumpulkan dalam 2 format :
- Pdf, file di protect dengan password NPM anda. (kalau mau membuka harus lewat password dulu)
- docx, file diprotect read only dengan pass NPM anda , hanya bisa comment.(file bisa dibuka tapi read only, kalau mau edit harus masukkan password)